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The sale of second hand vehicle parts, often now called ‘green parts’ because of their environmental benefit, is as old as the motor car itself. The reuse of parts from old or scrap vehicles is the single greatest success story in the reuse/ recycling of any consumer product.  Buying a second hand part not only saves energy in the manufacture of brand new replacement parts, but also extends the life of your motor vehicle.  Already more than 80% of every vehicle is recycled in some form or other. 

Yet despite this fantastic achievement, accomplished without any external financial support, and against which there can be no serious argument of its environmental benefits, the vehicle recycling industry receives virtually no public recognition or credit.  But more than this, the expertise of the vehicle recycling industry helps keep many millions of motorist on the road by providing a cost-effective alternative to new parts.  Without this valuable service, millions of people would be denied the mobility they demand.